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Becoming a Better Forager

Writer's picture: Orion AonOrion Aon

Updated: Jun 4, 2024

This article is an idea that I've had for a while and will be a little different from the usual content I write. We will talk more about a mindset and practice instead of the specifics of a certain plant or mushroom! Hopefully, this provides you with an idea of how I approach learning more in this space and some methods you can use to increase your knowledge!

Now, let's talk about how to become better foragers!

A variety of foraging books on a bookshelf
A small portion of my book collection!

Firstly, what does it mean to be a forager? The definition of forage is "to search widely for food or provisions"; a forager is someone who engages in that activity. But what does it mean to you? There are many different ways to approach foraging, from eating a few berries and dandelions here and there to providing as much of your food as possible through foraging and, of course, everything in between. Some foragers focus on medicinal and herbal practices, others are interested in trying new exotic flavors, some want to feel more connected, and others are just interested in the food resource! They're all foragers, though.

I forage because I'm passionate about wild foods and using those foods in my cooking, but I also do it because I love the challenge of learning new things and the treasure hunt of trying to find them. I love the broadened culinary experience wild foods provide and the connection and appreciation I cultivate with nature and my surroundings through these plants and mushrooms. I also love to educate in this space and teach foraging to all of you! Very few people appreciate a perfect dandelion, but the foragers do.

The idea in this article, "becoming better", doesn't mean striving to learn every edible plant and mushroom. That would be a good lesson in futility, considering there are an estimated 300,000 edible species of plants and who knows how many mushrooms! Becoming better should mean whatever feels right to you! Maybe that's as simple as knowing the edible species around your yard and garden. Maybe you want to learn a couple of new species every year and slowly progress your skills. Or maybe you want to become a student of the plants and mushrooms and devour as much information as possible. All of these options are equally valuable as long as you feel fulfilled while doing it! There are ways to approach the idea of becoming better regardless of your goals.

Learning Through Classes

For most people, the ideal way to learn more about foraging is with a teacher! You get hands-on experience and immediate ID confirmation. All you have to do is absorb the knowledge and focus on learning the features of the plants or mushrooms! You also get some personal connection to the teacher and other class attendees, which creates a sense of community. Plus, who doesn't love hanging out with a bunch of plant and mushroom nerds? There's always more to learn, so I try to take classes with other foraging teachers whenever I can fit it into my schedule! Even if I don't learn much from the class, I get to build that sense of community, and I support a fellow forager!

Orion Aon teaching a class about masutake mushrooms.
Leading a mushroom foray in 2019, there's a matsutake under the pinecone litter at my feet.

Information about my class offerings can be found on the Class Page of this website. The classes I specialize in are small, customizable, and usually in private settings where we can focus on whatever you're interested in learning! My availability is fairly limited because I work full-time during the week, but I have been steadily increasing my offerings as I can.

You may also consider taking a class with Erica of Wild Food Girl! She tends to offer several events every year. I've taken a few classes with Erica; they're always entertaining and filled with valuable information!

Another well-known local foraging instructor is 'Cattail' Bob Seebeck! Bob posts his class schedule for the year on his website, Survival Plants. I haven't had a chance to take a class with Bob yet, but I've heard only good things!

A final option for classes regarding mushroom identification is to join your local mycological society! Below, I have links to a couple of the Colorado-based societies located on the Front Range. Typically, you can get an annual membership for $25 or $30, including attending forays and other meetings throughout the year! I occasionally lead forays for the societies, so it's another chance to get a class with me!

Aside from the above-mentioned options, a handful of other teachers are available occasionally, but most of the instructors, myself included, aren't regularly available. In addition to the lack of consistent availability, classes can also be cost-prohibitive for some people. So, if you're limited by these factors or other factors like location, your next best bet is to self-teach using books and the internet!

Learning With Books

When I want to look up a new plant or reference one I'm learning, my main resource is heading to my library! As you can see, I have a fairly substantial collection of foraging and foraging-adjacent books, and since taking that picture, it has grown substantially. I've always loved books. I love having shelves full—myriads of colors and topics on display. If you were a fly-on-the-wall when I'm trying to look something up, you would see me pull out a couple and flip through, stacking them neatly on my desk until I find what I'm after. Sometimes they get put back, nice and neat, and other times they stay out on the desk so I can reference them again to reinforce whatever information I was initially after.

Two stacks of foraging and cooking books.
Stack of foraging and foraging-adjacent books!

The picture above was taken after I got a couple of requests to show off my entire book collection. I went through each one on my Instagram story. You can still find those story posts highlighted on my Profile Page! You can also find some book recommendations on my Resource Page and my Forage Colorado Amazon Page, which contains book lists for Plants, Mushrooms, and Cooking. These are affiliate links that earn me a commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for the support!

That all said, how can you use books to become a better forager? There are a few different approaches to this, but I'll tell you what I do. When I get a foraging book, I read through the entire thing, usually just by reading 10 to 30 minutes before bed. This initial read is meant to create a foundation of what that book has in it. I don't expect to retain too much from it at that point. After the initial reading, I will research a few things from the book. This could be a species that I know of but haven't fully studied, something I think I've seen, or maybe one I've only just heard about. Whatever the case, I will reread that information and usually hop online to do more research.

Reading about and looking at the same species repeatedly creates a search image in your brain—a recognizable pattern. You may not be aware of what you're doing, but I can almost guarantee that eventually, you'll find that plant you're after because you've built up a pattern for it. Our brains are very good at pattern recognition! Consider the last time you got a new car and then started noticing all the other people with the same make and model! It's not because everyone recently got the same car. Your brain learns to recognize that car after becoming familiar with it. The same idea works for learning plants and mushrooms! As I mentioned above, I highly recommend including the internet during this search image building process, here's how.


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Learning Online

The internet is a powerful tool. It also has misinformation, so be sure of your source and reference multiple whenever possible! Many people are not huge fans of Facebook, myself included, in some aspects, but I've learned so much from the foraging groups that the positives outweigh the negatives by quite a bit. If you're on Facebook, I recommend joining groups that pertain to the topics you're interested in learning! For one, you get to be part of a community of like-minded people who want to talk about, share, and learn the same stuff. Plant and mushroom nerds!

Secondly, every time you visit that group and scroll through the posts, you reinforce your pattern recognition. It might just be a light reinforcement on many species, or maybe you find one good post covering a new-to-you species. Exposing yourself to that information regularly helps you to retain it better! The final, though maybe most important, benefit of Facebook groups is that you will have a place to ask questions, post photos for identification help, and get feedback!

A screenshot of the Rocky Mountain Foragers group on Facebook.
Homepage of the Rocky Mountain Foragers group on Facebook.

Here is a list of local groups and pages I would highly recommend checking out. These are not all of them, so if you're interested in something specific, look around. I bet there's a group for it! There are also many national and international groups, so expand your search to those if you're curious about seeing what else is out there! I should note that many of the pages below also have associated websites that you should check out!

In addition to the social media side, there are some amazing websites you should know about when researching foraging, plant and mushroom identification, or recipe inspiration. Here's a non-comprehensive list, if you have others you think I should know about please share!

Methods to Become Better

So, now that we've gone over various resources for you to reference and learn from, let's talk about how to put that into practice! There are a few different methods that I use, but there are many ways to go about increasing your knowledge. These methods work for me, you should adapt these to fit best with your learning process!

Give Yourself a Challenge

This method's basic idea is to challenge yourself to learn and become confident enough to eat a new species. This can be done over whatever period you're comfortable with! I always have a self-challenge of eating at least one new mushroom species yearly. Some years, I eat several, like in 2019 when I had eight new species, but often, it's only one or two per year. This method is simple because it doesn't require much planning initially. You can eat the first species that you can confidently identify! If you want to get a little more specific, maybe one of the next methods would be better for you!

A collage of eight different mushroom species.
Eight mushroom species that I found, confidently identified, and ate in 2019.

Left to right: indigo milkcap (Lactarius indigo), golden oyster (Pleurotus citrinopileatus), shrimp of the woods (Entoloma abortivum), honey mushrooms (Armillaria ostoyae), grey morel (Morchella tomentosa), honey mushrooms (A. mellea), yellow coral (Ramaria sp.), club coral (Clavariadelphus truncatus).

From Books to Fields

The idea with this method is to be a little more focused on researching and planning before heading out to forage. Take some of those books or online resources we talked about earlier and choose a couple of species that seem interesting to you. Those species could be ones you think you've seen before or ones that might be currently in season, or maybe they sound tasty! No matter how you decide on the species, the next step is to research them more. Build that search image and get used to its features, habitats, and growth stages. Give your brain patterns to start recognizing, then get outside and see if you can find it! Maybe pick at least two species so you have a fail-safe if you can't find one of them.

This is probably the method I use the most to increase my knowledge. With time, the process will become easier, and you'll start picking up species without a ton of research, but initially, I would suggest that you focus on the research process. Teach your brain how to learn about plants and mushrooms before you start overloading it with too many different species.

"I Found This, Can I Eat It?"

The title of this technique is a bit of a joke and poking fun at many foraging beginners, but I make the joke out of love. On those previously mentioned Facebook groups, it's common to have someone post a photo or two of a random plant or mushroom and ask, "Can I eat it?". This is a great method to increase your knowledge quickly, but it should be done correctly, which isn't the way I just covered!

Here's what you should do when you use this method of learning. I have also provided a full example of this process at the end of this section!

  • Find a species that you're interested in learning about.

  • Before disturbing it, take multiple in-focus photos of the species, get multiple angles and take plenty, worst case you have to delete a few photos!

  • Get clear photos of all notable features:

    • Plants - top and bottom of leaves, stalks, flowers, fruits, seeds, and parts from the previous year if present.

    • Mushrooms - top and underside of the cap, stipe (stalk) features, gills or other spore dispersal structures, spore color, substrate it's growing from, etc.

  • Make notes of the habitat and any habitat-related features (i.e., 5,000ft, river bank).

  • Note any traits that might not be evident in a photo, such as scents or textures.

You have some options once you've successfully documented the species in question. For plants, it's usually better to leave them be and come home with just your photos unless there are some more observations that you need or want to make at home—for instance, comparing to photos in a book, or having the actual plant in hand while you do more research. That's okay, but please remember to be respectful of the resource! There's no reason to collect a bunch of the same plant or mushroom when you have no idea what it is. You could very well be damaging a native and sensitive species. Removing a leaf or flower from a plant isn't usually going to do any harm, but remember, if you dig up a plant, you permanently remove it from the population. Roots are rarely useful for ID purposes anyway.

For most mushrooms it's difficult to get underside photos so it's okay to disturb them in order take those photos. You'll also be required to disturb them to get a spore print! Further, mushrooms are the fruiting body of the fungi, you're typically not going to hurt the mycelium, by picking a mushroom. Its main purpose is spore dispersal, and many species like disturbance as it knocks more spores loose. If you pick a mushroom but don't plan to bring it home, consider breaking it up and spreading it around to help disperse more spores.

Once you have your photos, notes, and possibly a sample, it's time to identify the species! We'll discuss how to go through that process in the next section. First, here is an example of the process I just described!

Example photos to take when identifying a new plant.
Photo examples of a plant I want to identify!

You can see in the example above I've taken multiple clear photos of the plant species in question. These were taken in April, so the plant was starting to flower, and there were no seeds or fruits to photograph. If you're having trouble identifying a plant, you may have to return later in the season when it flowers or goes to seed to find some specific traits. I highly recommend learning what a plant looks like in its stages, not just the stage that's best for eating.

My notes for this plant:

  • Found growing in a pasture in Northern Colorado around 5,000ft.

  • The leaves and flowers smell similar to parsley or celery.

  • Diminutive compound leaves, purple flowers in small umbels with white papery bracts.

  • I was familiar enough with the parsley, carrot, and celery family to place this in Apiaceae and was fairly certain it was in the Cymopterus genus. This sort of deducing comes with time and familiarity, so starting without any identification ideas is okay!

  • After some online research and referencing other sources, I identified this plant as Cymopterus montanus or another similar species. There are a few that are close in appearance.

Becoming Confident In Your Identifications

The final piece of the puzzle I will touch on in this post is identifying plants and mushrooms and becoming confident in those IDs. This process can take some time, and that's okay. You should be 100% confident in identifying a wild food before consuming it. If you aren't confident, don't eat it! That confidence can take a couple of hours to gain for the simple species, but it can also take years for the more complicated ones! Everyone will become comfortable at their own pace. It's okay to decide not to eat something because you're uncertain. Wild foods are awesome, but they aren't worth getting sick or worse over. Be confident before consuming!

So, you have your notes and photos of a plant, or you've learned one from books or the internet, and you think you found it! What's next? If you've researched it enough beforehand, you might already feel comfortable enough to consume it! If that's the case, and you're 100% sure of its identity, go for it! Otherwise, you'll want to seek ID confirmation for the plant or mushroom in question. Here are some options:

  • Ask an expert! I offer priority help for identification and other questions to my top tier Patrons, check it out if you want a direct line to ask me all of your ID questions! I'm also happy to help anyone with identifications. I might not get back to you immediately.

  • Post your notes and photos to one of the Facebook groups mentioned above! Those communities love to help out with identification questions!

  • Consult your books and online resources! This process isn't as instant as the previous two, but I guarantee you will learn faster and retain more if you do the initial research yourself. Being forced to look up botanical terms to understand what umbels and bracts are teaches you more than just being given the identification in the long run.

  • Finally, you can try using an app to help guide you. In the past, apps have been pretty unreliable, but in recent years, some decent options have started showing up. I've had decent luck with Google Lens and iNaturalist and heard good things about PictureThis. This method is the least recommended of all the identification options, but it can help steer you toward an ID if you find something you don't know!

You shouldn't take a positive ID from any of these sources as the go-ahead to eat the plant or mushroom in question. Remember, you have to be confident in the ID as well. I want to reiterate how important this is. It's okay to get a confirmation online or from an expert and still decide to skip eating something because you're not ready. In the photo I shared earlier, there were two species of honey mushrooms. I photographed, picked, spore printed, keyed out, and got online confirmation for Armillaria ostoyae a handful of times over 3 years before I was comfortable enough to consume them. The photo below is the first time I documented finding honey mushrooms in Sept. 2016. I err on extra caution because that's part of my process. I've never been ill from making a mistake with wild foods, and I've been foraging for over 20 years. Ultimately, you should do what you feel comfortable with.

Honey mushrooms with a knife on the ground
Honey mushrooms, Armillaria ostoyae Sept. 2016.

Foraging Calendar

If you want to support me and get some curated knowledge about a bunch of wild edible species, check out my Foraging Calendar & Wild Food Database! You can try the demo version to learn more, and join my Patreon to gain full access to the Foraging Calendar and other exclusive perks! Joining is the best way to support all the work I put into my content and website to help you learn about foraging! Thank you for checking it out!

A screenshot of my Foraging Calendar.

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Disclaimer: Do not consume or use any mushrooms, plants, or other foraged materials based solely on the content of this website. The information provided here is intended to be educational, but it is not intended to the final word on the edibility of any foraged material. Be 100% sure of your own identifications before consuming any foraged plants, mushrooms, etc.

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